Omalizumab for urticaria | DermNet

Omalizumab is a humanised monoclonal antibody ( biological treatment) that binds to circulating immunoglobulin E ( IgE) and reduces the release of inflammatory mediators from mast cells and basophils. In New Zealand, it is currently (as of 2020) licensed as an add-on therapy for patients with severe, persistent allergic asthma and for patients ...

Directory of NZ Dermatologists

Login Search DermNet . Find A Dermatologist. Search for a dermatologist by name or location, just enter the name in the search box, and hit enter to find who you are looking …

Infantile haemangioma: Definition and pathogenesis | DermNet

Infantile haemangioma with minimal or arrested growth (IH-MAG) has an abortive or minimal growth in 25% of the lesion's surface area, appearing as telangiectatic patches with or without papules, lacking a significant proliferative phase. This may be mistaken for a port-wine stain [see Capillary vascular malformation].Occasionally these can be segmental …

Common skin lesions. Benign melanocytic lesions | DermNet

These present as persisting macules, papules, plaques and nodules. Melanocytic lesions may be due to: nests of melanocytes at the epidermal / dermal junction and/or within the dermis (moles). Most melanocytic lesions are pigmented, but dermal naevi often present as skin coloured or pink lesions. In general darker skin types have darker moles.

Image catalogue | DermNet

Image catalogue. The catalogue lists directories of some of the images available for licensed use by external agencies. If you don't find what you're looking for, try searching by …

Diagnosis of scalp rashes | DermNet

A full medical and focussed cutaneous history should be followed by brief examination of relevant sites. The most common scalp symptoms are: Itch. Soreness. Scale /flaking. Pustules /sores. Itch may be associated with the majority of skin conditions in the scalp. Soreness is less frequent.

Dermatology Made Easy

Published in 2017, "Dermatology Made Easy" is a DermNet New Zealand book about common skin conditions by Associate Professor Amanda Oakley, DermNet New …

Guttate psoriasis | DermNet

Guttate psoriasis tends to affect children and young adults; it is the second most common form of psoriasis in children after chronic plaque psoriasis. Both sexes and all races can develop guttate psoriasis. It is often the first presentation of psoriasis for an individual, but can also be seen in those with known chronic psoriasis.

Nail disorders | DermNet

Authoritative facts from DermNet New Zealand. DermNet provides Google Translate, a free machine translation service. Note that this may not provide an exact translation in all …

Cold urticaria | DermNet

Symptoms of cold urticaria become evident within 2–5 minutes after exposure and last for 1–2 hours. They include: Itchy weals (urticaria) and angioedema that may be localised (affecting certain parts of the body) or generalised ( rash over the whole body). In some cases, systemic symptoms may develop ( anaphylaxis ) Shortness of breath ...

آشنایی با قطران زغال سنگ یا تار زغال سنگ + کاربردها و موارد استفاده

قطران زغال سنگ چیست؟ قطران یا تار زغال سنگ، در جریان تولید کک که نوعی سوخت جامد است، به عنوان فرآورده فرعی استخراج می‌شود. ماده اصلی تشکیل دهنده این محصول، کربن و گاز زغال سنگ است.

Basal Cell Carcinoma: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Sun damage ( photoageing, actinic keratoses) Repeated prior episodes of sunburn. Fair skin, blue eyes and blond or red hair — note; BCC can also affect darker skin types. Previous cutaneous injury, thermal burn, disease (eg cutaneous lupus, sebaceous naevus) Inherited syndromes: BCC is a particular problem for families with basal cell naevus ...

Disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis (DSAP) | DermNet

Disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis, or DSAP, is an inherited keratinisation disorder that causes discrete dry patches on the arms and legs. DSAP is a special type of inherited 'sunspot". The name porokeratosis means scaly pore and is a misnomer as porokeratosis is not related to pores.

Itch, pruritus | DermNet

Itch is an unpleasant sensation on the skin that provokes the desire to rub or scratch the area to obtain relief. Itch can cause discomfort and frustration; in severe cases it can lead to disturbed sleep, anxiety and depression. Constant scratching to obtain relief can damage the skin ( excoriation, lichenification) and reduce its effectiveness ...

Learn more about DermNet | DermNet

About DermNet. DermNet is the world's leading free dermatology resource. DermNet is created for healthcare professionals to serve as a comprehensive database of skin conditions. Nearly everyone will experience a skin issue at some point in their lives and having a trustworthy, independent, easily accessible source of information is important ...

Atopic Dermatitis Treatment — DermNet

Topical steroids. Topical steroids are the mainstay treatment for mild-to-moderate atopic dermatitis. They are safe and effective when used correctly. The strength of a topical steroid is determined by the structure of the molecule. The weakest steroid used for the shortest time to be effective is usually prescribed.

Capillaritis (pigmented purpura) | DermNet

Schamberg disease ( progressive pigmented purpura) Schamberg disease is the most common type of capillaritis. Regular or irregular crops of red-brown flat patches with cayenne pepper spots on their borders appear for no apparent reason. Although most common on the lower legs, the Schamberg form of capillaritis can arise on any part of …

Foot skin problems | DermNet

Authoritative facts from DermNet New Zealand. DermNet provides Google Translate, a free machine translation service. Note that this may not provide an exact translation in all languages ... DermNet does not provide an online consultation service. If you have any concerns with your skin or its treatment, see a dermatologist for advice. ...

Ear skin problems | DermNet

Inflammatory skin conditions. Chondrodermatitis nodularis helicis. Otitis externa. Contact allergic dermatitis to nickel. Chilblains. Juvenile spring eruption. Cutaneous lupus erythematosus. Relapsing polychondritis. Scalp psoriasis, atopic dermatitis and seborrhoeic dermatitis frequently affect the skin fold behind the ear.

Urticaria (Hives): a complete overview — DermNet

Urticaria is characterised by very itchy weals (hives), with or without surrounding erythematous flares. The name urticaria is derived from the common European stinging nettle Urtica dioica . Urticaria can be acute or chronic, spontaneous or inducible. A weal (or wheal) is a superficial skin-coloured or pale skin swelling, usually surrounded by ...

Erythrasma | DermNet

Erythrasma presents as well-defined pink or brown patches with fine scaling and superficial fissures. Mild itching may be present. The common sites for erythrasma are armpits, groin and between the toes. The intergluteal fold, submammary, and periumbilical skin may also be affected. Widespread infections are most often associated with diabetes ...

Guidelines for the management of adult eczema | DermNet

Avoid use of soaps and detergents. Keep fingernails short. Keep skin hydrated. Eczema is characterised by reduced skin barrier function, which leads to enhanced water loss and dry skin, therefore, hydrate with warm soaking baths for at least 10 minutes followed by application of moisturiser/ emollient.

Common skin lesions. Squamous cell carcinoma | DermNet

Learning objectives. Describe the clinical features and management of actinic keratoses, in situ and invasive squamous cell carcinoma; Introduction. This section discusses squamous cell carcinoma and its common precursor lesions, actinic keratoses.. About 50,000 new cases of non-melanoma skin cancer are estimated to occur in New Zealand each year – …

Scalp Psoriasis: A Complete Overview — DermNet

Scalp psoriasis is a skin condition characterised by red, thickened, well- demarcated patches or plaques with overlying silvery-white scales, affecting part or all of the scalp. It can be contained within the hairline, though frequently affects the back of the head, or extends onto the forehead ( facial psoriasis ), ears, or neck.

Skin ageing | DermNet

Dermatoporosis is a term used to describe chronic cutaneous insufficiency and fragility associated with both intrinsic and extrinsic ageing. The features of dermatoporosis include: Skin fragility and atrophy. Senile purpura. Stellate pseudoscars (star-shaped white patches) Non-healing atrophic ulcers.

Naevus of Ota, naevus of Ito and naevus of Hori

A naevus (American spelling nevus, nevi) is a circumscribed and stable malformation of a component of the skin. Naevi (American spelling nevi) are often present at birth, when they are often called brown birthmarks. Naevi composed of melanocytes (the pigment cells that produce melanin) are called melanocytic naevi or pigmented naevi.

Neutrophilic dermatoses | DermNet

A neutrophilic dermatosis may be seen in isolation or more than one type may occur in the same individual. Neutrophilic dermatoses often arise at the site of injury such as a needle prick, biopsy or insect bite. This reaction to injury is known as Koebner phenomenon, or isomorphic response. Pathergy refers to papules and pustules appearing at ...

Dyshidrotic eczema (Pompholyx, Vesicular Hand Eczema) — DermNet

Dyshidrotic eczema (pompholyx) is an itchy, chronic, recurrent, often symmetric eruption on the palms of hands, fingers, and soles of the feet. It is characterised by small, deep-seated, 1–2 mm fluid-filled vesicles on these sites, which resolve after several weeks with scaling . Debate exists around precise terminology and definitions but ...

Folliculitis | DermNet

In New Zealand, cat ringworm (Microsporum canis) is the commonest organism causing scalp fungal infection. Other fungi such as Trichophyton tonsurans are increasingly reported. Treatment is with an oral antifungal agent for several months. Viral infections. Folliculitis may be caused by the herpes simplex virus. This tends to be tender and ...