Mount Nimba

Conservation efforts at the Mount Nimba Strict Nature Reserve involve various organizations and initiatives... read more >> Gallery. Visit Us. How? Visiting the strict …

Nimba Iron Ore Project

Ivanhoe Liberia Limited (Ivanhoe Liberia), formerly Euronimba Liberia Limited, was created to study, rehabilitate, expand or build from the ground up the rail and port facilities to …

Summary geologic map of the Nimba mountain, Liberia, …

Sep 2020. John Berge. Reexamination of data produced in earlier investigations of the High-Grade iron ores of the Liberian Nimba Mountain range (Berge, 1974, Berge, et al., (1977) …

Hike Mount Nimba Reserve in Liberia: an abandoned mining …

Updated July 1, 2023. If you have a few days and happen to be in Liberia, you can hike the flanks of the tallest peak in West Africa to the point where three countries converge. The …

Nimba Iron Ore Project, Guinea

Nimba iron ore project is located in the south-eastern part of Guinea, near the border with Liberia and Cote d'Ivoire. It is situated approximately 800km from the country's capital … See more

Mt Nimba | Liberia, Africa | Attractions

Liberia, Africa. Liberia. Beautiful Mt Nimba is Liberia's tallest peak, 1362m above sea level, and you can feasibly climb it if you have a few days on your hands (it's a rewarding way …

The Nimba Iron Ore Project

Nimba Iron Ore Project - SMFG is located in the Guinean Nimba Mountains, in south-eastern Guinea, adjacent to the Liberian and Ivoirian borders. It involves mining high …

History & Conservation Status

In 2010, the Guinean Government issued a decree that (i) aligns the Nimba Mountains SNR's boundary with those of the Mount Nimba WHS, (ii) classifies the Bossou Hills and …

Ecology of a Mountain: First Report on Liberian Nimba

Mount Nimba is a range about 40 km. long, with a general orientation SW-NE, and a maximum width (in Guinea) of about 12 km. The southern end in Liberia gradually drops …

Iron Ore mining on Mount Nimba, Guinea

The iron-ore mine infrastructure has been in development since 2003 directed by the Société des Mines de Fers de Guinée a subsidiary of Euronimba Ltd. The primary …